Is it true that, in England, white rabbits replace black cats as unlucky? Yes... Remember Alice...

Akrim @DepresiveNeko

Age 39, Female



Joined on 11/2/10

Exp Points:
9,574 / 9,990
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7.14 votes
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DepresiveNeko's News

Posted by DepresiveNeko - April 7th, 2011

graphics - beautiful, I like this style
music - nice, but over time begins to annoy
sound - missing
action - any kind of lacking, old cliche story, realy fast text... with two language and missing letters
controls key - arow, L, J, in shop 2 for down, 8 for up, space
yellow key open yellow gate, blue key open red gate and red key open a blue gate
blue gem rise atk 3 and red gem rise def 3, potion... i dont know, raise hp? blue 500 and yellow 800?
0 - fairy (bring her lucky cross)
floor 1 - holy symbol - press L check monster info
floor 2 - closed door
old man (npc) - atk 70
merchant (npc) - def 70
floor 3 - statue - price 25 gold, rise 800 hp or 4 Atk or 4 Def
sword atk 10
floor 4 - thief (npc) - open door in floor 2, with star hamer open floor 18
floor 5 - ruby key, shield def 10
key merchant - yellow key 10 gold blue key 50 gold red key 100 gold
monk - 1 lvl - 100 exp, rise Atk 5 or or Def 1 - 30 exp
floor 6 - wing ???, coin - 300 gold
floor 7 - lucky cross for fairy, increase atk, def and hp
floor 8 - probably after the surrender lucky croos to fairy becomes intransitive, fortunately, about this time you should already have the wind compas (bug)
floor 9 - wind compas press J - jump betwen floor,
sword - atk 30
floor 11 - statue - price 100 - rise 4000 hp or 20 Atk or 20 Def, shiel def 30
floor 12 - merchant - sell key - yellow for 7 coin, blue for 35 coin and red for 70 coin
star hammer (bring to thief)
floor 13 - wing ???
old man - rise 3 lvl for 270 exp or rise atk 17 or def 17 for 95 exp
floor 14 - ruby key, holy water - double rise you actual hp
floor 15 - old man - rise atk 120 for 500 exp, merchant rise def 120 for 800 gold
floor 16 - mini boss
floor 18 - baka princes
floor 19 - boss, 2 mini boss, sword and shield - atk and def rise 100? (damm haste text!)
floor 21 - boss again

congratulation, you win!
and eternal tower full of life is now full of death body! Baka!

Notice 6

Posted by DepresiveNeko - March 21st, 2011

i win!
i kill very evil bad baka wizzard!
i found all treasure!
ehm.. this type game is realy lovely :)

Notice 5

Posted by DepresiveNeko - March 15th, 2011

- infinite memory
- wikipedia
- sprite sheet
- pokemon list
- google

144 - Ratchet
145 - Sly Cooper
146 - Jak
147 - Parappa
148 - Monkey (Ape)
149 - Army Men
150 - Cao Cao
151 - Spyro
152 - Jill Valentine
153 - ???
154 - Claire Redfield
155 - Rayne
156 - Tony Hawk
157 - Lightning
158 - ???
159 - Colossus
160 - Pyramide Head
161 - Altair
162 - Dante
163 - Patapon
164 - The Prince (Persia)
165 - The King
166 - The Prince
167 - Guybrush Threepwood

166 - LeChuck
168 - Alien Hominid
169 - Carmen Sandiego
170 - Duke Nukem
171 - Ecco
172 - Faith
173 - Frank West
174 - Hydralisk
175 - Sarah Kerrigan
176 - Zeratul
177 - Lemming
178 - Lenneth (Valkyrie)
179 - Ninja (N)
180 - Sam and Max
181 - Waldo
182 - Worm
183 - ???
184 - Armor King
185 - Marshall Law
186 - Cammy
187 - M Bison
188 - Chun Li
189 - Dhalsim
190 - Guile


Posted by DepresiveNeko - March 6th, 2011

- infinite memory
- wikipedia
- sprite sheet
- pokemon list
- google

072 - Mew Two
073 - Jigglypuff
074 - Snorlax
075 - Meowth
076 - Jynx
077 - Profesor Oak
078 - Doctor Ivo Robotnik
079 - Sonic
080 - Miles Tails Prower
081 - Rikku
082 - Tidus
083 - Yuna
084 - ???
085 - Mama
086 - Vault Boy
087 - Alex
088 - Dog
089 - Frog
090 - Marle
091 - Chrono
092 - Jim
093 - Arthur
094 - Dr Mario
095 - Banjo

096 - ???
097 - Raptor
098 - Captain Olimar
099 - Red Pikmin
100 - AiAi
101 - Joe
102 - Maxwell
103 - Profesor Layton
104 - Luke
105 - Nintendog
106 - Amaterasu
107 - Rabbid
108 - Rayman
109 - Phoenix Wright
110 - Buzz
111 - Captain Falcon
112 - Ice Climbers (Nana)
113 - Ike
114 - Ness
115 - Pit
116 - Master Hand
117 - Sam Fisher
118 - Marcus Fenix
119 - Big Daddy

120 - Little Sister
121 - Wayne
122 - Elliot Salem
123 - Bayonetta
124 - Alma
125 - Smoker
126 - Boomer
127 - Tank
128 - Bill (L4D)
129 - ???
130 - ???
131 - Commander Shepard
132 - Chell
133 - Companion Cube
134 - Heavy
135 - Engineer
136 - Demoman
137 - Nico Bellic
138 - Lara Croft
139 - Crash Bandicoot
140 - Sora
141 - SackBoy
142 - Nathan Hale
143 - HelGhast

---------------------To be continued-----------------

Posted by DepresiveNeko - March 4th, 2011

Realy hard...
- infinite memory
- wikipedia
- sprite sheet
- pokemon list

000 - Bill
001 - Donkey Kong
002 - Diddy Kong
003 - Kirby
004 - King DeDeDe
005 - Meta Knight
006 - Link
007 - Zelda
008 - ???
009 - ???
010 - Alyx Vance
011 - Kratos
012 - Master Chief
013 - Cortana
014 - ???
015 - ???
016 - Pacman
017 - Blinky (Ghost)
018 - Ms Pacman
019 - Samus Aran
020 - Mother Brain
021 - Solid Snake
022 - Meryl Silverburgh
023 - Raiden (MGS)

024 - Metal Gear Rex
025 - Bowser
026 - Mario
027 - Peach
028 - Toad
029 - Goomba
030 - Wario
031 - Yoshi
032 - Luigi
033 - Shy Guy
034 - Boo
035 - Bullet Bill
036 - Wart
037 - Birdo
038 - Aerith
039 - Cloud
040 - Baret
041 - Chochobo
042 - Moogle
043 - Zidane
044 - Harry
045 - Space Invader
046 - Frogger
047 - L block

048 - T block
049 - Line block (I block)
050 - Ax Battler
051 - Death Adder
052 - Megaman
053 - Dr Willy
054 - ???
055 - Dr Light
056 - Fox McCloud
057 - Slippy Toad
058 - Peppy Hare
059 - Simon Belmont
060 - Alucard
061 - White Bomber
062 - Conker
063 - Rash
064 - Nathan Spencer
065 - Bub
066 - Ryu Hayabusa
067 - Ash Ketchum
068 - Bulbasaur
069 - Charmander
070 - Pikachu
071 - Squirtle
-------------- by continue...

Notice 4.1

Posted by DepresiveNeko - March 3rd, 2011

- lots of patience
- time form kill

Yeah, i have all medail from Tankman Battle one and twoo...
i killing time...
here.. is his corpse...
is time for repair...

and now edit.. is 24. 9. 11.
another death time with number three...
hm... i miss one medal...

edit 22. 6. 12
now i have all medal... yay!

I gotcha all!

Posted by DepresiveNeko - February 8th, 2011

ist time for new coments...


is here... yay!

hm... toast...

Posted by DepresiveNeko - December 9th, 2010

I lost all mine medalls... this not fair!
someone wrote that it is sufficient that I played the same game over and won at least one other and I returned, but it did not work so ...
some games can not get a medal, which already have
I got the other, but in profile to me appeared
not to mention the zero ...
oh yeah, but what have, you will probably have to happen to me
why must we cats have such a terrible misfortune?


Okay.. this is long "pasé"
And thanks for fast repair....


Posted by DepresiveNeko - November 25th, 2010

Spoon Colection

The Sinister Spoon draws power from fear and negativity.
The Rock Spoon has great smashing power but is quite brittle.
The Shank Spoon can be snuck on planes and trought metal detectors.
The Cholorphyl Spoon can generate it´s own power directly from sunlight.
The Kitchen Spoon is helpful for eating from bowls and puding cups.
The Flower Spoon blows only twice a year but is a beatifull sight to behold.
The AI Spoon is self aware and has the power to control all forms of machinery.
The Time Spoon can travel back to the time at which it is first activated.
The Holder of a Tree Spoon cant not be knocked over by winds less than 120 MPH.
The Fire Spoon is a perfect weapon against ice-based enemies and magic.

Notice 2.2

Posted by DepresiveNeko - November 24th, 2010

I love archeology, but star map puzzle is to hard... and perfecionist...
Im glad for walktrought, thanks Krogar...

star puzzle #2 Star-Facing [NW-N] [NE-S] [SW-SE] [SE-NW]
star puzzle #1 Star-Facing [NW-W] [NE-S] [SW-E] [SE-N]

(I /) ~
(O.o) pI__I

Notice 3